
It takes a village to raise a child.” 

~ African Proverb

Welcome to the GCHS Choral Department! We are SO excited to make music together! In order to get to all the fun stuff, we all have some important logistical items to do. Please review/submit all information below. 

The following items must be read, turned in, and/or completed no later than Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Earlier is better! (If a student joins mid-semester, paperwork should be completed one week following class enrollment.) Forms must be completed and turned in (either by paper or via email) to Ms. Lisa Knartzer (, Music Department Secretary, located in the Music Department. 


Student Survey (7 minutes)

Parent/Guardian Survey (7 minutes) 

All Students/Parents/Guardians sign up for Remind Text Notifications. 

@jade615 (for Jade)  

@rhap615 (for Rhapsody)

@revery615 (for Revery)

@wmen615 (for Woodmen Singers)

@choir615 (for Choir Council)

Add the Choir Calendar to your personal/family calendar in some way, including: 


Student Health Record

Student/Parent/Guardian Agreement (back of document)

Field Trip Request Form Choir Year 24-25

Course Fee Course Fee (See Choral Handbook) (Due by August 28, 2024– earlier encouraged) 


Financial Assistance Form

Voice Lesson Agreement 

Private Voice Lesson Scholarship Application Form

Excused Absence Request Form 

Follow us on Social Media (click the Instagram and Facebook icons below) @woodmenchoir